Secret Invasion,” the new Marvel series on Disney+, showcases Samuel L. Jackson’s exceptional talent as Nick Fury and marks a refreshing departure for the Marvel brand in television. In the first two episodes, Fury becomes entangled in a captivating storyline involving the Skrulls, who attempt to infiltrate Earth by impersonating humans. While some prior knowledge from “Captain Marvel” is helpful, the show manages to situate viewers adequately. The series stands out by embracing a willingness to explore new territory and keeping a low-key approach. It introduces dynamic performances from Emilia Clarke and Olivia Colman, providing intriguing character dynamics. “Secret Invasion” promises to deliver on its unique narrative, demonstrating the potential for a successful Marvel serial story. Visit for more!
Secret Invasion
| June 21, 2023 (United States)
Writer: Kyle BradstreetStars: Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Cobie Smulders
Summary: Fury and Talos try to stop the Skrulls who have infiltrated the highest spheres of the Marvel Universe.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English